*The Mysterious Native Jetty Bridge of Karachi: A Century-Old Enigma*

In the bustling city of Karachi, Pakistan, stands a bridge shrouded in mystery. The Native Jetty Bridge, also known as the "Old Bridge," has been a part of the city's landscape for over a century, yet its origins and purpose remain unclear.

A Bridge to Nowhere?

The Native Jetty Bridge spans the Karachi Harbour, connecting the mainland to a small island that is now home to a naval base. However, the bridge's original purpose was not for military use, but rather for the native fishermen of the area, hence its name. The bridge's design and architecture suggest that it was built during the British colonial era, but there is no clear record of its construction or inauguration.

A Ghostly Presence

Locals and visitors alike have reported strange occurrences on the bridge, from unexplained noises and movements to ghostly apparitions. Some claim to have seen the spirits of former sailors and fishermen who lost their lives at sea. Others speak of eerie feelings and an unsettling atmosphere that pervades the bridge, especially at night.

A Symbol of Karachi's History

Despite its mysterious past, the Native Jetty Bridge has become an iconic symbol of Karachi's rich history and cultural heritage. It has been featured in numerous films, literature, and artwork, captivating the imagination of artists and writers.

A Call for Preservation

As the city of Karachi continues to modernize and expand, the Native Jetty Bridge remains a beloved yet neglected landmark. Efforts are needed to preserve and restore this mysterious bridge, not only to honor its past but also to ensure its stability and safety for future generations.

The Native Jetty Bridge of Karachi remains an enigma, a reminder of the city's complex history and the secrets that lie beneath its surface. Whether you believe in its ghostly tales or simply appreciate its architectural charm, this mysterious bridge is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in uncovering the hidden stories of Karachi.